عنوان مقاله:

Potential use of major royal jelly proteins (MRJPs) as molecular markers for royal jelly production in Africanized honeybee colonies

Potential use of major royal jelly proteins (MRJPs) as molecular markers for royal jelly production in Africanized honeybee colonies

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چکیده ای از مقاله:

The present study determined the genetic variation at mrjps loci (mrjp3, mrjp5 and mrjp8) and evaluated the potential use of MRJPs as molecular markers for higher royal jelly production in Africanized honeybee colonies. The three analyzed loci produced a total of 17 alleles. This high allelic polymorphism indicated these loci could serve as genetic markers. The potential use of MRJPs as molecular markers for royal jelly production was evaluated by analyses of multiple linear regressions with EPD (expected progeny differences) values for royal jelly production. The variance analyses indicated that the mrjp3 repetitive region influenced the genetic value of queen’s offspring for royal jelly production. The determination coefficient (R2) for the significant alleles of the repetitive region of mrjp3 indicated that 36.85% of the EPD variation is explained by the variation of C, D and E alleles. Therefore, these three alleles present a considerable genetic effect on the variation of RJ production.
